Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Count Down to the Beach Day 1

There are 21 days until I leave for the beach and I am SO excited about being at the beach but not so excited that I let myself gain 2.6 lbs. I have 3 weeks so I can lose 6 lbs healthily. I'll be logging my progress daily!

Here's what today looked like for me!

615 got out of bed

32 squats, 50 standing ab twists, 1 minute plank, 6 push ups without stopping, and walked up 26 flights of stairs and down 33 flights at work.

Water: 67 oz

Green Tea: 1 cup

Breakfast: 3 whole eggs and a banana
Snack 1: 1 hard boiled egg & an apple
Snack 2: garlic hummus and pretzels
Lunch: turkey rolls with spinach and mozzarella & cup of grapes
Dinner : wheat thins and beer cheese with an ale8
Total cals= 1356

Obviously my dinner was a healthy fail but it was homemade and my grandmother might have cried if I didn't have some!

The ale8 as just my final cheat before I start the 10 day challenge! Tweet me if you're interested in joining me or for more info @byebyelazybones!

Ps: don't make fun of me for only being able to do 6 push ups straight! It was actually hard for me! And I attached my start picture!