Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If you could do anything...

Pretty much just soaking in that my life is wide open right now. My boyfriend and I decided to break up. It was very mutual and definitely the best for both of us. While I am sad, obviously, I'm also looking to the future.

I now have absolutely no ties to this place. Nothing and no one holding me back. This is probably the last time I can ever be completely selfish. I have no real time invested in any one career path. I am open and free to do anything, go anywhere. Follow my dreams, follow a whim, follow the interstate straight to the coast.

Now I just have to figure out what exactly I want to do....

So tell me, if you all could do absolutely anything (which you can btw because you're all awesome) what would you do?

Monday, July 2, 2012

My Monday

Sunday night I was in a tizzy (a very real/frequent thing for me) because I knew my body needed sleep but my boyfriends friends needed to party. So here I was jealous(those bitches) & desperate for sleep.

So I texted my wonderful roomie A and she picked me up and took me home to my BED! It's not super comfortable or even on a bed frame but it's mine all mine! And I crashed for 5 hours.

THEN at 546 am I received a call that I didn't have to come into work. Naturally I was very productive and got up! NOT. I slept till 1230 & didn't actually make it out of bed until around 2. Damn twitter.

I nommed some steel cut oats & PB2 and then did a fun dance workout in and a bunch of strength training. Then an hour of SVU with A and some vegie meatballs & carrots with hummus.

Then a stressful an hour of learning to drive stick with my boo friend. His house to watch The Help(awesome movie & amazing book)!! Had a bag of 140 cal popcorn, smoked a bowl and it's now 1130 and I plan on passing out ASAP.

Today was a good day.

How'd your Mondays go?