Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Deliciously Clean: A Look Into What I Eat

I've had a lot of you fitties ask me what I've been eating on my weight loss journey. The truth is I eat differently everyday, if I had a specific diet plan I'd be so bored and probably cheat! So I decided to do a post on how I choose what I eat and give you all an a sample day for me.

Firstly here are some of the things that I think about when planning my meals:

1. Calories. I count calories using my fitness pal, it's an app and a website so everyone can use it. I eat 1200 calories a day but you need to use my fitness pal to decide how much you need. You should NEVER eat less than 1200 calories per day, no matter what!

2. Clean foods. If you can't pronounce something on the ingredient label, it's probably not clean. I focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy, and lean protein.

3. Portion sizes. Pay CLOSE attention to them. Nutrition labels are your best friend.

So here's an example of a day of my eating habits:

630 am: Spinach & feta cheese omelette (I use 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg) one piece of ww very thin bread with olive oil smart balance 350 cals
8 am: 1 piece of white cheddar babybel cheese, apples with almond butter 225 cals
12 pm: spinach salad with zesty light Italian dressing, 1 cup of organic potato and lentil soup. 200 cals
3 pm: 1/2 serving of crasins and 1/2 servicing of cinnamon covered almonds 125 cals
7 pm: lemon pepper tilapia with cooked carrots & an organic chocolate milk 300 cals

=1200 total calories

I try to eat 6 small meals every 3/4 hours and drink 2 glasses of green tea and 8 glasses of water but I am human and it just doesn't always happen.

Planning ahead is the key to success! So make yourself a plan and stick to it! I make mine a week ahead when I make my grocery list. Now get going!

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