Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First post! Some Monday Motivation.

Finally stopped making excuses and started a blog. Funny how giving up your excuses is exactly what you need to accomplish absolutely anything you want to do!

So today I'm asking all of you to make a choice to STOP making excuses and START making progress.

What are you going to accomplish?

Here are some steps I use when I want to accomplish a goal:

1. Choose your goal and write it down. I always do better when my goals are on paper or my cell phone, put them somewhere you'll see them everyday!

2. Make a plan. How can you realistically accomplish this goal? This is a good time to decide if your goal is so amazing that it needs to be broken into smaller goals. Remember to be specific! Want to get skinny? Make a meal plan, schedule specific times for workouts, and make specific weight loss goals and deadlines!

3. Tell your friends/twitter followers/family/co-workers to help hold you accountable or even join you! Having a support system is ESSENTIAL!

4. ACCOMPLISH IT. The most important key to accomplishing your goal is to not stand in your own way with laziness or excuses. Nothing is impossible, it might be difficult but if it was easy everyone would do it.

So get up right now and do this. Don't put it on your to-do list. Just do it and do it now. You'll thank me later when you're a skinny sexy bitch or a rocket scientist or both, whatever you're into. :)

1 comment:

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