Monday, July 2, 2012

My Monday

Sunday night I was in a tizzy (a very real/frequent thing for me) because I knew my body needed sleep but my boyfriends friends needed to party. So here I was jealous(those bitches) & desperate for sleep.

So I texted my wonderful roomie A and she picked me up and took me home to my BED! It's not super comfortable or even on a bed frame but it's mine all mine! And I crashed for 5 hours.

THEN at 546 am I received a call that I didn't have to come into work. Naturally I was very productive and got up! NOT. I slept till 1230 & didn't actually make it out of bed until around 2. Damn twitter.

I nommed some steel cut oats & PB2 and then did a fun dance workout in and a bunch of strength training. Then an hour of SVU with A and some vegie meatballs & carrots with hummus.

Then a stressful an hour of learning to drive stick with my boo friend. His house to watch The Help(awesome movie & amazing book)!! Had a bag of 140 cal popcorn, smoked a bowl and it's now 1130 and I plan on passing out ASAP.

Today was a good day.

How'd your Mondays go?

1 comment:

  1. you would make a great BeachBody Coach. Talk to me at
